Browse Books in History
A Stone for Benjamin
Setting All the Captives Free
Capture, Adjustment, and Recollection in Allegheny Country
Emergence and Empire
Innis, Complexity, and the Trajectory of History
A National Force
The Evolution of Canada’s Army, 1950-2000
The Strange and Dangerous Voyage of Captaine Thomas James
Unpacking the Kists
The Scots in New Zealand
Border Crossings
US Culture and Education in Saskatchewan, 1905-1937
Setting a Fine Table
Historic Desserts and Drinks from the Officers' Kitchens at Fort York
Germany’s Western Front: 1914
Translations from the German Official History of the Great War, Part 1
The White Fleet
A Small Price to Pay
Consumer Culture on the Canadian Home Front, 1939-45
How Newfoundlanders Got the Baby Bonus
The Laird of Fort William
William McGillivray and the North West Company
Pursuit of Profit and Preferment in Colonial North America
John Bradstreet’s Quest
Great Canadian Poems for the Aged Vol 1 Illus. Ed.
From Old Hollywood to New Brunswick
Memories of a Wonderful Life
The August Gales
The Tragic Loss of Fishing Schooners in the North Atlantic 1926 and 1927
Chinese Comfort Women
Testimonies from Imperial Japan’s Sex Slaves
My Name is Lola
The Best of BC BookWorld
The Once and Future Great Lakes Country
An Ecological History
The Land of Heart's Delight
Early Maps and Charts of Vancouver Island
The Life of a Stó:lō Matriarch
Just Getting Started
Edmonton Public Library's First 100 Years, 1913-2013