Browse Books in Post-confederation (1867-)

Corps Commanders
Five British and Canadian Generals at War, 1939-45

Wife to Widow
Lives, Laws, and Politics in Nineteenth-Century Montreal

The Life of Norman Bethune

Oral History on Trial
Recognizing Aboriginal Narratives in the Courts

Orienting Canada
Race, Empire, and the Transpacific

Through Feminist Eyes
Essays on Canadian Women’s History

Always an Adventure
An Autobiography

Curve of Time
50th Anniversary Edition

The Social Origins of the Welfare State
Quebec Families, Compulsory Education, and Family Allowances, 1940-1955

Wet Prairie
People, Land, and Water in Agricultural Manitoba

Defence and Discovery
Canada’s Military Space Program, 1945-74

Vancouver Remembered

When the Other is Me
Native Resistance Discourse, 1850-1990

Slumach's Gold
In Search of a Legend

The Way of the Bachelor
Early Chinese Settlement in Manitoba

Climbs & Exploration In the Canadian Rockies

Retail Nation
Department Stores and the Making of Modern Canada

The Canadian Rockies
New and Old Trails

Ghost Town Stories of the Red Coat Trail
From Renegade to Ruin on the Canadian Prairies

Rebel Women of the West Coast
Their Triumphs, Tragedies and Lasting Legacies

Contesting White Supremacy
School Segregation, Anti-Racism, and the Making of Chinese Canadians

Acts of Occupation
Canada and Arctic Sovereignty, 1918-25

The Business of Women
Marriage, Family, and Entrepreneurship in British Columbia, 1901-51

Stefansson, Dr. Anderson and the Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-1918
A story of exploration, science and sovereignty