Browse Books in 18th Century
Acadian Driftwood
One Family and the Great Expulsion
Eighteenth-Century Ukraine
New Perspectives on Social, Cultural, and Intellectual History
Imperial Paradoxes
Training the Senses and Tasting the Eighteenth Century
Acadian Driftwood
One Family and the Great Expulsion
Scandal in the Parish
Priests and Parishioners Behaving Badly in Eighteenth-Century France
Louisbourg: Past, Present, Future
At the Far Reaches of Empire
The Life of Juan Francisco de la Bodega y Quadra
The Huguenots and French Opinion, 1685-1787
The Enlightenment Debate on Toleration
The Dialogue of Writing
Essays in Eighteenth-Century French Literature
A Year Inland
The Journal of a Hudson’s Bay Company Winterer
Road to Egdon Heath
The Aesthetics of the Great in Nature