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Browse Books in European

From the Elephant's Back

Collected Essays & Travel Writings

by (author) Lawrence Durrell
edited by James Gifford

Sexual Enjoyment in British Romanticism

Gender and Psychoanalysis, 1753-1835

by (author) David Sigler

To Build a Shadowy Isle of Bliss

William Morris's Radicalism and the Embodiment of Dreams

by (author) Michelle Weinroth & Paul Leduc Browne

Unforced Flourishing

Understanding Jaan Kaplinski

by (author) Thomas Salumets

The Letters of Vincent van Gogh

A Critical Study

by (author) Patrick Grant

William Blake in the Desolate Market

by (author) G.E. Bentley Jr

David Lodge and the Tradition of the Modern Novel

by (author) J. Russell Perkin

The Birth of New Criticism

Conflict and Conciliation in the Early Work of William Empson, I.A. Richards, Robert Graves, and Laura Riding

by (author) Donald J. Childs

Kingsley Amis

Antimodels and the Audience

by (author) Andrew James

Mirror of the Worlde

by (author) Elizabeth Tanfield Cary & Lesley Peterson

From Babel to Pentecost

The Poetry of Pierre Emmanuel

by (author) Mary Anne O'Neil

Wings of the Doves

Love and Desire in Dante and Medieval Culture

by (author) Elena Lombardi

Alain Robbe-Grillet

Balises pour le XXIe siècle

edited by Roger-Michel Allemand & Christian Milat

Franz Werfel: The Faith of an Exile

From Prague to Beverly Hills

by (author) Lionel Steiman

Tennyson’s Camelot

The Idylls of the King and its Medieval Sources

by (author) David Staines

Franz Kafka (1883-1983)

His Craft and Thought

edited by Roman Struc & John Yardley

Beowulf and the Celtic Tradition

by (author) Martin Puhvel

Études sur la traduction de l'anglais

by (author) G.M. de Rochmondet
introduction and notes by Benoit Léger

Words and Images

A French Rendez-vous

contributions by Marie-Dominique Popelard, Anthony Wall, Bruno Nassim Aboudrar, Stephane Lojkine, Pierre Civil & Beatrice Fraenkel

Veneration and Revolt

Hermann Hesse and Swabian Pietism

by (author) Barry Stephenson

Problématiques identitaires et discours de l'exil dans les littératures francophones

edited by Anissa Talahite-Moodley

Georges Bernanos

The Theological Source of His Art

by (author) Michael R. Tobin

The City of Words

by (author) Alberto Manguel

From Revolution to Ethics

May 1968 and Contemporary French Thought

by (author) Julian Bourg

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