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See all subjects LITERARY CRITICISM European

Browse Books in English, Irish, Scottish, Welsh

Études sur la traduction de l'anglais

by (author) G.M. de Rochmondet
introduction and notes by Benoit Léger

The Blue Mountains and Other Gaelic Stories from Cape Breton

Na Beanntaichean Gorma agus Sgeulachdan Eile à Ceap Breatainn

by (author) John Shaw

Race Riots

Comedy and Ethnicity in Modern British Fiction

by (author) Michael L. Ross

The Crafting of Absalom and Achitophel

Dryden’s Pen for a Party

by (author) W.K. Thomas

Counterrealism and Indo-Anglian Fiction

by (author) Chelva Kanaganayakam

Myth and Reality in Irish Literature

by (author) Joseph Ronsley

The Imprint of the Picturesque on Nineteenth-Century British Fiction

by (author) Alexander M. Ross

Lawrence, Greene and Lowry

The Fictional Landscape of Mexico

by (author) Douglas W. Veitch

A.S. Byatt and the Heliotropic Imagination

by (author) Jane Campbell

Self, Nation, Text in Salman Rushdie's "Midnight's Children"

by (author) Neil ten Kortenaar


The Road to Airstrip One

by (author) Ian Slater

D.H. Lawrence and Survival

Darwinism in the Fiction of the Transitional Period

by (author) Ronald Granofsky

Germany as Model and Monster

Allusions in English Fiction, 1830s-1930s

by (author) Gisela Argyle

Enabling Engagements

Edmund Spenser and the Poetics of Patronage

by (author) Judith Owens

Chaucer and Language

Essays in Honour of Douglas Wurtele

by (author) Robert Myles & David A. Williams

Stranger Gods

Salman Rushdie's Other Worlds

by (author) Roger Y. Clark

General Consent in Jane Austen

A Study of Dialogism

by (author) Barbara K. Seeber

Daily Modernism

The Literary Diaries of Virginia Woolf, Antonia White, Elizabeth Smart, and Anaïs Nin

by (author) Elizabeth Podnieks

Styles of Meaning and Meanings of Style in Richardson's Clarissa

by (author) Gordon Fulton

Road to Egdon Heath

The Aesthetics of the Great in Nature

by (author) Richard Bevis

Romantic Aversions

Aftermaths of Classicism in Wordsworth and Coleridge

by (author) Douglas Kneale

Labour, Love, and Prayer

Female Piety in Ulster Religious Literature, 1850-1914

by (author) Andrea Ebel Brozyna

Honest Sins

Georgian Libertinism and the Plays and Novels of Henry Fielding

by (author) Tiffany Potter

Making of the English Literary Canon

From the Middle Ages to the Late Eighteenth Century

by (author) Trevor Ross

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