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Rereading Middle English Romance
Manuscript Layout, Decoration, and the Rhetoric of Composite Structure
Mystic Leeway
Federfuchser/Penpusher from Lessing to Grillparzer
A Study Focused on Grillparzer's Ein Bruderzwist in Habsburg
Second Words
Selected Critical Prose 1960–1982
Carlyle and the Economics of Terror
A Study of Revisionary Gothicism in The French Revolution
Christian Plain Style
The Evolution of a Spiritual Ideal
At Home in Time
Forms of Neo-Augustanism in Modern English Poetry
Isak Dinesen and Narrativity
Context North America
Canadian-U.S. Literary Relations
History of Histories of German Literature, 1835-1914
The Birth of Modernism
Ezra Pound, T.S. Eliot, W.B. Yeats, and the Occult
The Orwell Conundrum
A Cry of Despair or Faith in the "Spirit of Man?"
Wyndham Lewis and the Avant-Garde
The Politics of the Intellect
Old English Elegies
C.P. Snow and the Struggle of Modernity
Swinging the Maelstrom
New Perspectives on Malcolm Lowry
Mind in Creation
Essays on English Romantic Literature in Honour of Ross G. Woodman
Critical Essays by Northrop Frye, Linda Hutcheon and Shirley Neuman
Letters of Brendan Behan
Thackeray's Cultural Frame of Reference
Allusion in The Newcomes
Swinburne and His Gods
The Roots and Growth of an Agnostic Poetry
Bliss Carman
A Reappraisal
Poetic Argument
Studies in Modern Poetry
A Romantic Iconography of the River and the Source