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Making Game
An Essay on Hunting, Familiar Things, and the Strangeness of Being Who One Is
Thomas Nagel
The Minds of the Moderns
Rationalism, Empiricism, and Philosophy of Mind
A Philosophy for Global Ethics
Film, Theory, and Philosophy
The Key Thinkers
Ethics and Experience
Life Beyond Moral Theory
The Book of Absolutes
A Critique of Relativism and a Defence of Universals
Northern Spirits
John Watson, George Grant, and Charles Taylor - Appropriations of Hegelian Political Thought
The End of Ethics in a Technological Society
The Philosophy of Hegel
Robert Brandom
How Skeptics Do Ethics
A Brief History of the Late Modern Linguistic Turn
Central Works of Philosophy, Volume 4
The Twentieth Century: Moore to Popper
Philosophy of Habermas
Philosophy of Nietzsche
Donald Davidson
How to be a Green Liberal
Nature, Value and Liberal Philosophy
Rights and Reason
An Introduction to the Philosophy of Rights