Browse Books in Counseling
Cultural Competency Skills for Psychologists, Psychotherapists, and Counselling Professionals
A Workbook for Caring Across Cultures
20 Quick Strategies to Help Patients and Clients Manage Stress
Overcoming Conflicting Loyalties
Intimate Partner Violence, Community Resources, and Faith
Fundamentals of Addiction
A Practical Guide for Counsellors
Canadian Counselling and Counselling Psychology in the 21st Century
Synergy, Healing, and Empowerment
Insights from Cultural Diversity
Committed to the Sane Asylum
Narratives on Mental Wellness and Healing
The Helping Relationship
Healing and Change in Community Context
Tracing the Autobiographical
Methadone Maintenance Treatment: Best Practices in Case Management
Poser les bonnes questions 2
Parler avec les clients de leur orientation et de leur identité sexuelles dans les établissements de santé mentale, de traitement de la toxicomanie et les cabinets de counseling
Asking the Right Questions 2
Talking about sexual orientation and gender identity in mental health, counselling and addiction settings
Unfitting Stories
Narrative Approaches to Disease, Disability, and Trauma
Structured Relapse Prevention
An Outpatient Counselling Approach
Repossessing the World
Reading Memoirs by Contemporary Women
Treating Concurrent Disorders
A Guide for Counsellors
Dilemmas of Trust
Le Counselling
Stratégies et interventions