Browse Books in Essays
For the Sake of the Common Good
Essays in Honour of Lois Wilson
In the Spirit
Reflections on Everyday Grace
Secular States and Religious Diversity
Whose Historical Jesus?
God’s Intention for Man
Essays in Christian Anthropology
Silence, the Word and the Sacred
Truth and Compassion
Essays on Judaism and Religion in Memory of Rabbi Dr Solomon Frank
Studies in the Book of Job
Footnotes to a Theology
The Karl Barth Colloquium of 1972
Florence Nightingale’s Spiritual Journey: Biblical Annotations, Sermons and Journal Notes
Collected Works of Florence Nightingale, Volume 2
The Promise of Critical Theology
Essays in Honour of Charles Davis
Traditions in Contact and Change
Selected Proceedings of the XIVth Congress of the International Association for the History of Religions
From Jesus to Paul
Studies in Honour of Francis Wright Beare
Ignatian Spirituality in a Secular Age
Florence Nightingale’s Theology: Essays, Letters and Journal Notes
Collected Works of Florence Nightingale, Volume 3
Religion in History / La religion dans l’histoire
The Word, the Idea, the Reality / Le mot, l’idée, la realité