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Browse Books in Science

Growing Community Forests

Practice, Research, and Advocacy in Canada

edited by Ryan Bullock, Gayle Broad, Lynn Palmer & M.A. (Peggy) Smith

Nature, Place, and Story

Rethinking Historic Sites in Canada

by (author) Claire Elizabeth Campbell

Before Copernicus

The Cultures and Contexts of Scientific Learning in the Fifteenth Century

edited by Rivka Feldhay & F. Jamil Ragep

Mourning Nature

Hope at the Heart of Ecological Loss and Grief

edited by Ashlee Cunsolo & Karen Landman

Unbuilt Environments

Tracing Postwar Development in Northwest British Columbia

by (author) Jonathan Peyton

Vascular Plants of Alberta, Part 1

Ferns, Fern Allies, Gymnosperms, and Monocots

by (author) John Packer & A. Joyce Gould

Ice Blink

Navigating Northern Environmental History

edited by Stephen Bocking & Brad Martin
contributions by Tina Adcock, Emelie Cameron, Hans M. Carlson, Marionne Cronin, Matthew Farish, Arn Keeling, P. Whitney Lackenbauer, Tina Loo, Paul Nadasdy, Jonathan Peyton, Liza Piper, John Sandlos & Andrew Stuhl

Science of the Seance

Transnational Networks and Gendered Bodies in the Study of Psychic Phenomena, 1918-40

by (author) Beth A. Robertson

Powering Up Canada

The History of Power, Fuel, and Energy from 1600

by (author) R.W. Sandwell

The Great Climate Robbery

How the Food System Drives Climate Change and What We Can Do About It

by (author) GRAIN
edited by Henk Hobbelink

Community Forestry in Canada

Lessons from Policy and Practice

edited by Sara Teitelbaum

Self Science

A Guide to the Mind and Your Brain's Potential

by (author) Mandy Wintink

The Hidden Life of Trees

What They Feel, How They Communicate—Discoveries from A Secret World

by (author) Peter Wohlleben
foreword by Tim Flannery
translated by Jane Billinghurst
contributions by Suzanne Simard

Renewable Energy

Cleaner, fairer ways to power the planet

by (author) Danny Chivers

Empowering Electricity

Co-operatives, Sustainability, and Power Sector Reform in Canada

by (author) Julie L. MacArthur

Vulnerability and Adaptation to Drought on the Canadian Prairies

edited by Harry Diaz & Jim Warren
contributions by Margot Hurlbert, Jose Armando Boninsegna, Barrie Bonsal, Darrell Corkal, Amber Fletcher, Monica Hadarits, Tom Harrison, Samantha Kerr, Erin Knuttila, Suren Kulshreshta, Gregory Marchildon, Elma Montana, Bruce Morito, Jeremy Pittman, Alejandro Rojas, David Sauchyn, Paula Santibanez, A. Unvoas, Johanna Wandel, James Warren, Virginia Whittrock & Elaine Wheaton

Do Humankind’s Best Days Lie Ahead?

The Munk Debates

by (author) Steven Pinker, Matt Ridley, Alain de Botton & Malcolm Gladwell

Doing Community-Based Research

Perspectives from the Field

by (author) Greg Halseth, Sean Markey, Laura Ryser & Don Manson

Moving Natures

Mobility and the Environment in Canadian History

edited by Ben Bradley & Colin M. Coates
contributions by Jay Young, Thomas Peace, Jim Clifford, Judy Burns, Ken Cruikshank, Andrew Watson, Merle Massie, Daniel Macfarlane, Tor H. Oiamo, Don Lafreniere, Joy Parr, J.I. Little, Jessica Dunkin, Elizabeth L. Jewett, Elsa Lam & Maude-Emmanuelle Lambert

Bad Singer

The Surprising Science of Tone Deafness and How We Hear Music

by (author) Tim Falconer

Canadian Climate of Mind

Passages from Fur to Energy and Beyond

by (author) Timothy B. Leduc

The Intellectual Property–Regulatory Complex

Overcoming Barriers to Innovation in Agricultural Genomics

edited by Emily Marden, R. Nelson Godfrey & Rachael Manion

Storm Warning

Water and Climate Security in a Changing World

by (author) Robert William Sandford

Mining and Communities in Northern Canada

History, Politics, and Memory

contributions by Arn Keeling, John Sandlos, Patricia Boulter, Jean-Sebastien Boutet, Emilie Cameron, Sarah Gordon, Heather Green, Jane Hammond, Joella Hogan, Tyler Levitan, Hereward Longley, Scott Midgley, Kevin O’Reilly, Andrea Procter & Alexandra Winton

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