Browse Books in History
The Lucky and the Lost
The Lives of Titanic’s Children
The Dangerous Harbour
Revealing the Unknown Ships and Wrecks of the Halifax Explosion
Building a Better Boat
How the Cape Island Longliner Saved Nova Scotia’s Inshore Fishery
Oak Island Mystery: Solved
Second Edition – The Final Chapter
The Story of the Atlantic Ferries and Coastal Boats
The Sea Was in Their Blood
The Disappearance of the Miss Ally's Five-Man Crew
The Oak Island Mystery, Solved!
Master Shipbuilders of Newfoundland and Labrador, vol 2: Notre Dame Bay to Petty Harbour
Norma & Gladys
The Famous Newfoundland Knockabout Schooner
Sir John Franklin
Expeditions to Destiny
Fire Canoes
Steamboats on Great Canadian Rivers
Code Name Habbakuk
A Secret Ship Made of Ice
A Long, Dangerous Coastline
Shipwreck Tales from Alaska to California
The Graveyard of the Pacific
Shipwreck Tales from the Depths of History
Final Voyages Volume I
Sea Dogs & Skippers
Steamboat Connections
Montreal to Upper Canada, 1816-1843
Standing into Danger
A Winter's Tale
The Wreck of the Florizel
Tancook Schooners
An Island and Its Boats