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Josée Bisaillon

Jos&eacutee Bisaillon a illustr&eacute plus de trente-cinq livres pour enfants et cr&eacute&eacute de nombreuses illustrations pour des magazines et des journaux. Elle a &eacutet&eacute finaliste au Prix litt&eacuteraire du Gouverneur g&eacuten&eacuteral &agrave deux reprises et a remport&eacute le prestigieux Marilyn Baillie Picture Book Award pour The Snow Knows. Il s’agit du quatri&egraveme ouvrage de Jos&eacutee avec Orca, apr&egraves My Head in the Clouds et Bedtime 123 &eacutecrit par Eric Walters, un succ&egraves de librairie. Elle vit en banlieue de Montr&eacuteal avec sa famille.

Books by Josée Bisaillon

The Animals Come Out

by (author) Susan Vande Griek
illustrated by Josée Bisaillon

Sometimes I Feel Like a River

by (author) Danielle Daniel
illustrated by Josée Bisaillon

The Moon is a Silver Pond, The Sun is a Peach

by (author) Sara Cassidy
illustrated by Josée Bisaillon

Martin and the River

by (author) Jon-Erik Lappano
illustrated by Josée Bisaillon

Le soleil est une pêche

by (author) Sara Cassidy
illustrated by Josée Bisaillon
translated by Rachel Martinez

La lune est un étang d’argent

by (author) Sara Cassidy
illustrated by Josée Bisaillon
translated by Rachel Martinez

The Sun is a Peach Read-Along

by (author) Sara Cassidy
illustrated by Josée Bisaillon
read by Kirstie Hudson

The Sun is a Peach

by (author) Sara Cassidy
illustrated by Josée Bisaillon

Come Back to Earth, Esther!

by (author) Josée Bisaillon

My Head in the Clouds Read-Along

by (author) Danielle Chaperon
illustrated by Josée Bisaillon
translated by Sophie B. Watson
read by Heather Gould

My Head in the Clouds

by (author) Danielle Chaperon
illustrated by Josée Bisaillon
translated by Sophie B. Watson

The Moon is a Silver Pond

by (author) Sara Cassidy
illustrated by Josée Bisaillon

The Moon is a Silver Pond Read-Along

by (author) Sara Cassidy
illustrated by Josée Bisaillon

Dancing with Daisy

by (author) Jan L. Coates
illustrated by Josée Bisaillon

Bedtime 123 Read-Along

by (author) Eric Walters
illustrated by Josée Bisaillon
read by Heather Gould

Bedtime 123

by (author) Eric Walters
illustrated by Josée Bisaillon

The Snow Knows

by (author) Jennifer McGrath
illustrated by Josée Bisaillon

Winter's Coming

by (author) Jan Thornhill
illustrated by Josée Bisaillon