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Jamie Chai Yun Liew

Jamie Chai Yun Liew headshot

A daughter of a stateless immigrant to Canada, Jamie Chai Yun Liew is an immigration and refugee lawyer who has appeared at the Immigration and Refugee Board, Federal Court, Federal Court of Appeal, and the Supreme Court of Canada. She is also an assistant professor at the Faculty of Law, University of Ottawa, where she teaches, among other courses, Immigration and Refugee Law, Advanced Refugee Law, and Administrative Law. Professor Liew is the holder of degrees in political science and commerce from the University of Calgary, international affairs from Carleton University, and law from the University of Ottawa and Columbia University. She is a member of litigation committees for the Canadian Council for Refugees and the Canadian Association of Refugee Lawyers, and her research focuses on the performative and consequential aspects of how Canadian law is affecting refugees and immigrants. Having clerked with Justice Douglas Campbell at the Federal Court of Canada, Professor Liew was also a member of the Sesay defence team at the Special Court in Sierra Leone and the Commission counsel team at the Cornwall Public Inquiry.

Books by Jamie Chai Yun Liew

Critical Conversations in Canadian Public Law

edited by Jena McGill, Karen Drake, Kyle Kirkup, Anne Levesque & Joshua Sealy-Harrington
contributions by Efrat Arbel, Andrée Boisselle, Nathalie Chalifour, Yin-Yuan Chen, Allison Christians, Gordon Christie, Ruby Dhand, Lorena Fontaine, Véronique Fortin, Ashleigh Keall, Lisa M. Kelly, Lisa Kerr, Harry Laforme, Jamie Chai Yun Liew, Ravi Malhotra, Meenakshi Mannoe, Aaron Mills, Avnish Nanda, Mona Paré, Kim Pate, Dayna Scott, Samuel Singer, Kerry Sloan, Reakash Walters, Vincent Wong & Donna Young


The Law, Policy and Ethics of COVID-19

edited by Colleen M. Flood, Vanessa MacDonnell, Sophie Thériault & Sridhar Venkatapuram
contributions by Jane Philpott, Katherine Fierlbeck, Lorian Hardcastle, Aimée Craft, Deborah McGregor, Jeffery Hewitt, Michelle Giroux, David Robitaille, Amir Attaran, Adam R. Houston, Bryan Thomas, Carissima Mathen, Alexandra Flynn, Mel Cappe, Grégoire Webber, Tim Caulfield, Jeffrey Simpson, Paul Daly, Marie-France Fortin, Jennifer A. Quaid, Kumanan Wilson, Teresa Scassa, Kelly Bronson, Jason Millar, Vardit Ravitsky, Daniel Weinstock, Terry Skolnik, Martha Jackman, Delphine Nakache, Yves Le Bouthillier, Martine Lagacé, Linda Garcia, Leilani Farha, Kaitlin Schwan, Adelina Iftene, Jamie Chai Yun Liew, Y.Y. Brandon Chen, Anne Levesque, Kwame McKenzie, Jennifer A. Chandler, Mona Gupta, Yasmin Khaliq, Simon Hatcher, Olivia Lee, Tess Sheldon, Ravi Malhotra, Pat Armstrong, Hugh Armstrong, Ivy Bourgeault, Katherine Lippel, Louise Bélanger-Hardy, Vanessa Gruben, Sarah Berger Richardson, Anis Chowdhury, Jomo Kwame Sundaram, Sam Halabi, Chidi Oguamanam, Steven J. Hoffman, Patrick Fafard, Céline Castets-Renard, Eleonore Fournier-Tombs, E. Richard Gold, Jeremy de Beer, Matthew Herder & Jason W. Nickerson