James Vallière Wright
Books by James Vallière Wright
Passion for the Past
Papers in Honour of James F. Pendergast
History of the Native People of Canada
Volume II (1,000 B.C. – A.D. 500)
History of the Native People of Canada, Volume III (A.D. 500 – European Contact)
Part 1: Maritime Algonquian, St. Lawrence Iroquois, Ontario Iroquois, Glen Meyer/Western Basin, and Northern Algonquian Cultures
History of the Native People of Canada
Volume I (10,000-1,000 B.C.)
Potato Island Site, District of Kenora, Ontario
Prehistory of Lake Athabasca
An Initial Statement
Grant Lake Site, Keewatin District, Northwest Territories
The Nodwell Site
Aberdeen Site, Keewatin District, Northwest Territories