Canadian Museum of History
Books from this publisher
Technological Approach to Lithic Artifacts from Yukon Territory
Textile traditions of eastern Newfoundland
The McCluskey Site
The Nodwell Site
The Roebuck Prehistoric Village Site Rim Sherds
An Attribute Analysis
Thesis and dissertation titles and abstracts on the anthropology of Canadian Indians, Inuit and Metis from Canadian universities
Report 1, 1970-1982
Thousand words of Mohawk
Threads of Arctic Prehistory
Papers in Honour of William E. Taylor, Jr.
Three stories in Oneida
Through darkening spectacles
Memoirs of Diamond Jenness
Thule Culture in Western Coronation Gulf, N.W.T.
Thule Eskimo Culture
An Anthropological Retrospective
Thule Eskimo Prehistory along Northwestern Hudson Bay
Thule Eskimo Prehistory of Cumberland Sound, Baffin Island, Canada
Thule Village at Brooman Point, High Arctic Canada
Tipi Rings and Plains Prehistory
A Reassessment of their Archaeological Potential
Tommy McGinty's Northern Tutchone story of crow
A First Nation elder recounts the creation of the world
Tonneliers du Québec
Toute une histoire
Les boîtes aux lettres canadiennes
Toward the 21st century / En vue du 21e siècle
New directions for Canada's National Museums / Orientation nouvelle des musées nationaux du Canada
Tracing memory
A glossary of graphic signs and symbols in African art and culture
Traditional Doukhobor folkways
An ethnographic and biographic record of prescribed behaviour
Trappers of Patuanak
Toward a spatial ecology of modern hunters
Trois générations de cordonniers à Saint-Jean-Port-Joli
Tsimshian narratives: volume 1
Tricksters, shamans, and heroes
Tsimshian narratives: volume 2
Trade and warfare
Tuscarora legacy of J.N.B. Hewitt / J.N.B. Hewitt wa ekhiríhwaye O skarùre: Volume 1
Materials for the study of the Tuscarora language and culture / Yerihetyá khwa ha uwe teh tíhsne urihwakà ye skarù re
Tuscarora legacy of J.N.B. Hewitt / J.N.B. Hewitt wa ekhiríhwaye O skarùre: Volume 2
Materials for the study of the Tuscarora language and culture / Yerihetyá khwa ha uwe teh tíhsne urihwakà ye skarù re
Twenties in Western Canada
Papers of the Western Canadian Studies Conference, March 1972
Un ferblantier de campagne (1875-1950)
Un médecin de campagne au XXe siècle
Under the northern lights
My memories of life in the Finnish community of Northern Ontario