Demeter Press
Books from this publisher
Maternal Theory
Essential Readings
Matricentric Feminism
Theory, Activism, Practice
Menstruation Now
What Does Blood Perform?
Middle Grounds
Essays on Midlife Mothering
Milk Fever
Missing the Mark?
Women and the Millennium Development Goals in Africa and Oceania
Mommy Brain
Discover the amazing power of the maternal brain
Monstrous Mothers
Troubling Tropes
Mother Load
Memoirs of Struggle and Strength
Mother of Invention
How Our Mothers Influenced Us as Feminist Academics and Activists
Motherhood Memoirs
Mothers Creating/Writing Lives
Motherhood and Single-Lone Parenting
A Twenty-First Century Perspective
Motherhood and Social Exclusion
Motherhood in Precarious Times
Mothering Mennonite
Mothering Outside the Lines
Tales of Boundary Busting Mamas
Mothering and Entrepreneurship
Global Perspectives, Identities, and Complexities
Mothering and Psychoanalysis
Clinical, Sociological and Feminist Perspectives
Mothering and Welfare
Depriving, Surviving, Thriving
Mothering in East Asian Communities
Politics and Practices
Mothering in Marginalized Contexts
Narratives of Women Who Mother in and through Domestic Violence
Mothering in the Age of Neoliberalism
Mothering on the Edge
A critical examination of mothering within child protection systems
Mothering, Community, and Friendship
Mothers Under Fire
Mothering in Conflict Areas
Mothers Who Kill
Mothers Without Their Children
Mothers and Daughters
Mothers and Food
Negotiating Foodways from Maternal Perspectives
Mothers and Sons
Centering Mother Knowledge