Refine your selections:
Refine your selectionsBold Scientists
by (author) Michael Riordon
Flight and Freedom
Stories of Escape to Canada
by (author) Ratna Omidvar & Dana Wagner
Spectres of Fascism
Historical, Theoretical, and International Perspectives
edited by Samir Gandesha
An Unauthorized Biography of the World
Oral History on the Front Lines
by (author) Michael Riordon
Fighting Dirty
How a Small Community Took on Big Trash
by (author) Poh-Gek Forkert
Eating Fire
Family Life on the Queer Side
by (author) Michael Riordon
Development of Elites in Acadian New Brunswick, 1861-1881
by (author) Sheila M. Andrew
State and Society in Transition
The Politics of Institutional Reform in the Eastern Townships, 1838-1852
by (author) J. Little
Local Hospitals in Ancien Régime France
Rationalization, Resistance, Renewal, 1530-1789
by (author) Daniel Hickey
Ill-Made Alliance
Anglo-Turkish Relations, 1934-1940
by (author) Brock Millman
Canada Enters the Nuclear Age
A Technical History of Atomic Energy of Canada Limited as Seen from Its Research Laboratories
by (author) D.G. Hurst
Future's Back
Nuclear Rivalry, Deterrence Theory, and Crisis Stability after the Cold War
by (author) Frank P. Harvey
Aristotle's Poetics
Translated and with a commentary by George Whalley
by (author) Aristotle, John Baxter & 0. Atherton
Aeschylus' Use of Psychological Terminology
Traditional and New
by (author) Shirley D. Sullivan
Law of Multi-Bank Financing
by (author) Agasha Mugasha
Making of the Alice Books
Lewis Carroll's Uses of Earlier Children's Literature
by (author) Ronald Reichertz
Voices for the Watershed
Environmental Issues in the Great Lakes-St Lawrence Drainage Basin
by (author) Gregor G. Beck
Justice in Paradise
by (author) Bruce Clark
Ringing in the Common Love of Good
The United Farmers of Ontario, 1914-1916
by (author) Kerry Badgely
Diary of a Country Clergyman 1848-1851
by (author) James Reid & Reisner
Setting the Stage
by (author) Herbert Whittaker & Jonathan Rittenhouse
What Really Matters
by (author) Thomas O'Grady
A Dream of Sulphur
by (author) Aurian Haller
The Thin Smoke of the Heart
by (author) Tim Bowling
Sense of Their Duty
Middle-Class Formation in Victorian Ontario Towns
by (author) Andrew Holman
Protecting Biological Diversity
Roles and Responsibilities
by (author) Catherine Potvin, Margaret Kraenzel & Gilles Seutin
West Indians of Costa Rica
Race, Class, and the Integration of an Ethnic Minority
by (author) Ronald N. Harpelle
Modernity and the Dilemma of North American Anglican Identities, 1880-1950
by (author) William Katerberg
Sphaerae Mundi
Early Globes at the Stewart Museum, Montreal
by (author) Edward Dahl & Jean-Francois Gauvin
From Peacekeeping to Peacemaking
Canada's Response to the Yugoslav Crisis
by (author) Nicholas Gammer
Margaret Addison
A Biography
by (author) Jean O'Grady
Men at Play
A Working Understanding of Professional Hockey
by (author) Michael Robidoux