Refine your selections:
Refine your selectionsFuture History 2050
by (author) Thomas Harding
Echo Lane
by (author) Sandra Kelly
Quest for Coomaraswamy
A life in the Arts
by (author) Pratapaditya Pal
The Case of the Missing Turtle
by (author)
Dave Cole
illustrated by
Matty Mitchell
by (author) Adam Rocke & Cody Steward
The Extraordinary eTab of Julian Newcomber
by (author) Michael Seese
Dear Earthling: Cosmic Correspondent
by (author) Pen Avey
Cashmere Comes from Goats
by (author) S. Portico Bowman
Animalphabetical Adventures
by (author) Kinga White
Mary Barton
by (author) Elizabeth Gaskell
Regards sur les archives d’écrivains francophones au Canada
edited by
Sophie Marcotte
contributions by
Marc André Bernier, David Décarie, Charles Doutrelepont, Benoit Doyon-Gosselin, Jane Everett, Lise Gaboury-Diallo, Claire Jaubert, Rachel Killick, Isabelle Kirouac-Massicotte, Claude La Charité, J.R. Léveillé, Johanne Melançon, Jacques Paquin, Mathieu Simard, Annie Tanguay & Nathalie Watteyne
Les fables canadiennes de Jules Verne
Discorde et concorde dans une autre Amérique
by (author) Gérard Fabre
Le ministère des Affaires extérieures du Canada
Volume III : Innovation et adaptation, 1968-1984
by (author) John Hilliker, Mary Halloran & Greg Donaghy
Ottawa, lieu de vie français
edited by
Anne Gilbert, Linda Cardinal, Michel Bock, Lucie Hotte & François Charbonneau
contributions by
Joël Beddows, Kenza Benali, Philippe Couton, Jean-Philippe Croteau, Marie Hélène Eddie, Pierre Foucher, Yves Frenette, Paul L. Gareau, Isabelle Kirouac Massicotte, E. -Martin Meunier, Anne Mévellec, Danielle Migeon, Caroline Ramirez, Geneviève Richer, Rosalie Thibeault, Sara-Ève Valiquette-Tessier & Luisa Veronis
Les Prix littéraires du Gouverneur général du Canada
Une bibliographie
by (author)
Andrew David Irvine
Edmond Rivère & Stephanie Tolman
Erving Goffman et le travail social
edited by Stéphanie Garneau & Dahlia Namian
Vers une école inclusive
Regards croisés sur les défis actuels
by (author) Lise Gremion, Serge Ramel, Valérie Angelucci & Jean-Claude Kalubi
Vestiges de l'indiscipline
Environnements d'art et anarchitectures
by (author) Valérie Rousseau
Penser, lire, écrire
Introduction au travail intellectuel
by (author) Aline Giroux & Renée Forgette-Giroux
Recent Social Trends in Russia 1960-1995
by (author) Irene A. Boutenko
Critical Images
The Canonization of Don Quixote through Illustrated Editions of the Eighteenth Century
by (author) Rachel Schmidt
Pursuit of Division
Race, Gender and Preferential Hiring in Canada
by (author) Martin Loney
Labour, Love, and Prayer
Female Piety in Ulster Religious Literature, 1850-1914
by (author) Andrea Ebel Brozyna
World of the Gift
by (author) Jacques T. Godbout & Alain C. Caille
Angel in the Sun
Turner's Vision of History
by (author) Gerald Finley
In Search of Elegance
Towards an Architecture of Satisfaction
by (author) Michel Lincourt
Voice of the Vanishing Minority
Robert Sellar and the Huntingdon Gleaner, 1863+1919
by (author) Robert Hill
Language of the Senses
Sensory-Perceptual Dynamics in Wordsworth, Coleridge, Thoreau, Whitman, and Dickinson
by (author) Kerry McSweeney
Reformation of Canada's Schools
Breaking the Barriers to Parental Choice
by (author) Mark Holmes
Martin Luther, German Saviour
German Evangelical Theological Factions and the Interpretation of Luther, 1917-1933
by (author) James M. Stayer
Amassing Power
J.B. Duke and the Saguenay River, 1897-1927
by (author) David Massell
Steering the Course
A Memoir
by (author) Sam Hughes