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Cadzow Lake Site (Mjvi 1)
A Multi-Component Historic Kutchin Camp
by (author) Richard E. Morlan
The Doomed Democracy
Czechoslovakia in a Disrupted Europe, 1914-38
by (author) Vera Olivova
Sarcee verb paradigms
by (author) Eung-Do Cook
Looking for Philosophy
by (author) F.E. Sparshott
Imagination Indulged
The Irrational in the Nineteenth-Century Novel
by (author) Elliot B. Jr Gose
Tides of Empire
Discursions on the Expansion of Britain Overseas
by (author) Gerald S. Graham
Lyric and Polemic
The Literary Personality of Roy Campbell
by (author) Rowland Smith
Confessions of a Young Man
by (author)
George Moore
edited by
Susan Dick
The Mystery of Unity
Theme and Technique in the Novels of Patrick White
by (author) Patricia A. Morley
Critical Strategies
German Fiction in the Twentieth Century
by (author) Elizabeth Boa & J.H. Reid
Monde fantastique de la Beauce québécoise
by (author) Jean-Claude Dupont
How Long Have We Got?
by (author) Ritchie Calder
Arctic Bibliography
Volume 15
edited by Maret Martna
Environment and Good Sense
An Introduction to Environmental Damage and Control in Canada
by (author) M.J. Dunbar
The Emerging Worker
Equality and Conflict in the Mass Consumption Society
by (author) William A. Westley & Margaret W. Westlet
Rantin' Pipe and Tremblin' String
A History of Scottish Dance Music
by (author) George S. Emmerson
Canadian Foreign Policy, 1945-1954
Selected Speeches and Documents
edited by R.A. MacKay
A Catalogue of the Burney Family Correspondence, 1748-1878
edited by Joyce Hemlow & Jeanne M. Burgess
Economics of the Canadian Corporate Bond Market
by (author) J. Ross Peters
One Country or Two?
edited by
R.M. Burns
introduction by
John J. Deutsch
Shaykh Ahman Sirhindi
An Outline of His Thought and a Study of His Image in the Eyes of Posterity
by (author) Yohanan Friedmann
Autumn of Central Paris
The Defeat of Town Planning, 1850-1970
by (author) Anthony Sutcliffe
Standard Dictionary of Meteorological Sciences
English-French / French-English
by (author) Gerard J. Proulx
The Visionary Landscape
A Study in Medieval Allegory
by (author) Paul Piehler
Harpoon of the Hunter
by (author) Markoosie
How Much Price Competition
by (author) Milton Moore
The Quintessence of Sartrism - La quintessence de Sartre
by (author)
Maurice Cranston
translated by
C. Berloty
Introduction to Mamluk Historiography
An Analysis of Arabic Annalistic and Biographical Sources for the Reign of al-Malik an-Nāṣir Muḥammad ibn Qalāʹūn
by (author) Donald Presgrave Little
The Quest for Rananim
D.H. Lawrence's Letters to S.S. Koteliansky, 1914-1930
edited by George J. Zytaruk
What's Wrong with the Law?
edited by Michael Zander
Archeological investigations in the Grand Rapids, Manitoba, Reservoir 1961-1962
by (author)
William J. Mayer-Oakes
Paul W. Lukens
The Development of Canada's Staples, 1867-1939
A Documentary Collection
edited by Kevin H. Burley