Browse Books in Art
Britannia’s Palette
The Arts of Naval Victory
Vestiges de l'indiscipline
Environnements d'art et anarchitectures
From Drawing to Visual Culture
A History of Art Education in Canada
Image and Territory
Essays on Atom Egoyan
Image and Identity
Reflections on Canadian Film and Culture
John Ruskin and Switzerland
Figuring Redemption
Resighting My Self in the Art of Michael Snow
Doris McCarthy: My Life
My Life
The Female Crucifix
Images of St. Wilgefortis Since the Middle Ages
A Body of Vision
Representations of the Body in Recent Film and Poetry
The European Emblem
Towards an Index Emblematicus
Offshoring Strategies, Creative Governance, and Subnational Island Jurisdictions
The Ancient Books of Ireland
Arctic Clothing of North America-Alaska, Canada, Greenland
Silk Stocking Mats
Hooked Mats of the Grenfell Mission
Crafting Identity
The Development of Professional Fine Craft in Canada
Fabriqué au Canada
Métiers d'art et design dans les années soixante
Inventing Tom Thomson
From Biographical Fictions to Fictional Autobiographies and Reproductions
The Garden of Art
Vic Cicansky, Sculptor
From the Atelier Tovar
Selected Writings of Guy Maddin
Magic off Main
The Art of Esther Warkov
National Gallery of Canada
Ideas, Art, Architecture
Minding the Public Purse
The Fiscal Crisis, Political Trade-offs, and Canada's Future