Browse Books in History
Trois générations de cordonniers à Saint-Jean-Port-Joli
Parliament of women
The National Council of Women of Canada, 1893-1929
Zouaves pontificaux canadiens
Bibliography for the study of British Columbia's domestic material history
Quelques boutiques de menuisiers et charpentiers au tournant du XIXe siecle
The Frog Lake "Massacre"
Personal Perspectives on Ethnic Conflict
Man's Impact on the Western Canadian Landscape
Kingston cabinetmakers, 1800-1867
The Unfinished Revolution
St Petersburg
Industrialization and Change
Crown and Nobility, 1450-1509
In First Gear
The French Automobile Industry to 1914
Island Outpost of Europe
Charting the Russian Northern Sea Route
The Arctic Ocean Hydrographic Expedition 1910-1915
Un rite saisonnier
A History of Kitchener, Ontario
A Social History of Urban Growth, 1874-1914
Perspectives on Landscape and Settlement in Nineteenth-Century Ontario
Canadian Indians and the Law
Selected Documents, 1663-1972
People in the tobacco belt
Four lives
Leslie collection
Un ferblantier de campagne (1875-1950)
Forgeron de campagne
Un inventaire d'outils