Browse Books in Europe
Religion and Greater Ireland
Christianity and Irish Global Networks, 1750-1969
Alpine Warriors
When Ballet Became French
Modern Ballet and the Cultural Politics of France, 1909-1958
Einstein's Gift
Empire and Ireland
The Transatlantic Career of the Canadian Imperialist Hamar Greenwood, 1870–1948
Scattered Stones, Shattered Seeds
The Story of a Shtetl and a Family Who Lived There
Expelling the Plague
The Health Office and the Implementation of Quarantine in Dubrovnik, 1377-1533
Invisible Immigrants
The English in Canada since 1945
The British System of Government and Its Historical Development
Building the Nation
N.F.S. Grundtvig and Danish National Identity
Laws of Early Iceland
Gragas I
Lord Lyons
A Diplomat in an Age of Nationalism and War
The Spanish on the Northwest Coast
For Glory, God and Gain
A World of Paper
Louis XIV, Colbert de Torcy, and the Rise of the Information State
Bethune in Spain
Something of a Peasant Paradise?
Comparing Rural Societies in Acadie and the Loudunais, 1604-1755
Germany’s Western Front: 1914
Translations from the German Official History of the Great War, Part 1
The White Fleet
The Return of Ancestral Gods
Modern Ukrainian Paganism as an Alternative Vision for a Nation
Photography, Memory, and Refugee Identity
The Voyage of the SS Walnut, 1948
Revisioning Europe
The Films of John Berger and Alain Tanner
Perceptions of a Monarchy without a King
Reactions to Oliver Cromwell's Power
Between Raid and Rebellion
The Irish in Buffalo and Toronto, 1867-1916
The Balkans: Nationalism, War, and the Great Powers, 1804-2012
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