Browse Books in Europe
Prince Michael Vorontsov
Viceroy to the Tsar
Thomas Attwood
The Biography of a Radical
Imperial Challenge
Quebec and Britain in the Age of the American Revolution
Women, Work, and the French State
Labour Protection and Social Patriarchy, 1879-1919
Era of Emancipation
British Government of Ireland, 1812-1830
New Mecca, New Babylon
Paris and the Russian Exiles, 1920-1945
Small Differences
Irish Catholics and Irish Protestants, 1815-1922: An International Perspective
Tom Paine and William Cobbett
The Transatlantic Connection
Louis XV's Navy, 1748-1762
A Study of Organization and Administration
Women's Struggle for Higher Education in Russia, 1855-1900
Domination of Eastern Europe
Native Nobilities and Foreign Absolutism 1500-1715
Artisan Republic
Revolution, Reaction, and Resistance in Lyon, 1848-1851
Taking Sex into Account
The Policy Consequences of Sexist Research
Politics of Transport in Twentieth-Century France
The Edda
A Collection of Essays
Protestants in a Catholic State
Beyond Liberty and Property
The Process of Self-Recognition in Eighteenth-Century Political Thought
Covenants Without The Sword
Public Opinion and British Defence Policy 1931-1935
The People's Clearance
Highland Emigration to British North America, 1770-1815
Lorenzo Magalotti at the Court of Charles II
His Relazione d’Inghilterra of 1668
The Coming of Austrian Fascism
Britain and the War for the Union
Volume 1
The Rousing of the Scottish Working Class
Women and State Socialism
Sex Inequality in the Soviet Union & Czechoslovakia