Browse Books in 20th Century
Slow Train to Arcadia
A History of Railway Commuting into London
Looking After Miss Alexander
Care, Mental Capacity, and the Court of Protection in Mid-Twentieth-Century England
Searching for God in Britain and Beyond
Reading Letters to Malcolm Muggeridge, 1966–1982
Secret History
Writing the Rise of Britain's Intelligence Services
The Empire on the Western Front
The British 62nd and Canadian 4th Divisions in Battle
Safe Haven
The Wartime Letters of Ben Barman and Margaret Penrose, 1940-1943
The Thorny Path
Pornography in Early Twentieth-Century Britain
Guiding Modern Girls
Girlhood, Empire, and Internationalism in the 1920s and 1930s
West Ham and the River Lea
A Social and Environmental History of London’s Industrialized Marshland, 1839–1914