Browse Books in 19th Century
Jacobitism in Britain and the United States, 1880–1910
Inventing the Middle East
Britain and the Persian Gulf in the Age of Global Imperialism
From Enlightenment Philosophy to Canadian History
The Donnellys: Massacre, Trial and Aftermath, 1880–1916
The Donnellys: Powder Keg, 1840–1880
Woman on a Mission: Katherine Bell Fraser in Armenia, 1892–1911
From Christian Missionary to Refugee Advocate
Mark Bate
Nanaimo's First Mayor
The Seven Oaks Reader
Opium and Empire
The Lives and Careers of William Jardine and James Matheson
Vancouver Is Ashes
The Great Fire of 1886
The Discovery of a Northwest Passage
The Aroostook War of 1839
Hard Time
Reforming the Penitentiary in Nineteenth-Century Canada
Turning Back the Fenians
New Brunswick's Last Colonial Campaign
The Road to Canada
The Grand Communications Route from Saint John to Quebec
Becoming Native in a Foreign Land
Sport, Visual Culture, and Identity in Montreal, 1840-85
The Frog Lake Reader
The British Diplomatic Service
Mobility, Elites and Education in French Society of the Second Empire
Disciplined Intelligence
Critical Inquiry and Canadian Thought in the Victorian Era
Road to Egdon Heath
The Aesthetics of the Great in Nature
Town House, Country House
Recollections of a Quebec Childhood
An Illustrated History