Browse Books in State & Local
Frederick Baraga's Short History of the North American Indians
Psychedelic New York
A History of LSD in the City
The Acadian Saga
A People’s Story of Exile and Triumph, New & Expanded Edition
Trail North
The Okanagan Trail of 1858–68 and Its Origins in British Columbia and Washington
Blood, Sweat, and Fear
Violence at Work in the North American Auto Industry, 1960–80
The Story of an American Buffalo Hunter and the Surrender of Louis Riel
The Secular Northwest
Religion and Irreligion in Everyday Postwar Life
Healy's West
The Life and Times of John J. Healy
Frontier Boosters
Port Townsend and the Culture of Development in the American West
Negotiating a River
Canada, the US, and the Creation of the St. Lawrence Seaway
Setting All the Captives Free
Capture, Adjustment, and Recollection in Allegheny Country
Rum-runners and Renegades
Whisky Wars of the Pacific Northwest, 1917-2012
Scoundrels and Saloons
Whisky Wars of the Pacific Northwest 1840-1917
Murdering Holiness
The Trials of Franz Creffield and George Mitchell
Stepping Stones to Nowhere
The Aleutian Islands, Alaska, and American Military Strategy, 1867-1945
Wampum Denied
Procter's War of 1812