Browse Books in Canadian

A Legend of the Micmac

Violence Against Indigenous Women
Literature, Activism, Resistance

Writing Alberta
Building on a Literary Identity

Margaret Laurence Writes Africa and Canada

Conversations with Trotsky
Earle Birney and the Radical 1930s

L.M. Montgomery and War

Making of Modern Poetry in Canada
Essential Commentary on Poetry in English, Third edition

Beyond "Understanding Canada"
Transnational Perspectives on Canadian Literature

Space Between Her Lips
The Poetry of Margaret Christakos

The Burgess Shale
The Canadian Writing Landscape of the 1960s

Les littératures franco-canadiennes à l’épreuve du temps

From the Iron House
Imprisonment in First Nations Writing

Ten Canadian Writers in Context

The Complete Poems of George Whalley

Malcolm Lowry's Poetics of Space

Translocated Modernisms
Paris and Other Lost Generations

Where the Truth Lies
Selected Essays

Reading Alice Munro with Jacques Lacan

A Journey in Translation
Anne Hébert's Poetry in English

Meet Me on the Barricades

Double-Voicing the Canadian Short Story

Canadian Graphic
Picturing Life Narratives

Editing as Cultural Practice in Canada

Who Needs Books?
Reading in the Digital Age