Browse Books in Religion
Rage and Resistance
A Theological Reflection on the Montreal Massacre
Political Ecumenism
Catholics, Jews, and Protestants in De Gaulle’s Free France, 1940-1945
From Quaker to Upper Canadian
Faith and Community among Yonge Street Friends, 1801-1850
Journey to Truth is an Experience
Churches and Social Order in Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Canada
Marketing the Gospel in English Canada, 1884-1957
Thinking about Faith
Speculative Theology
Religion, Family, and Community in Victorian Canada
The Colbys of Carrollcroft
Linking Sexuality and Gender
Naming Violence against Women in The United Church of Canada
Florence Nightingale’s Theology: Essays, Letters and Journal Notes
Collected Works of Florence Nightingale, Volume 3
Florence Nightingale’s Spiritual Journey: Biblical Annotations, Sermons and Journal Notes
Collected Works of Florence Nightingale, Volume 2
Florence Nightingale on Mysticism and Eastern Religions
Collected Works of Florence Nightingale, Volume 4
From Civil to Political Religion
The Intersection of Culture, Religion and Politics
In Good Faith
Canadian Churches Against Apartheid
Gender, Genre and Religion
Feminist Reflections
Political Theology in the Canadian Context
Prophets, Pastors and Public Choices
Canadian Churches and the Mackenzie Valley Pipeline Debate
The Social Uplifters
Presbyterian Progressives and the Social Gospel in Canada 1875-1915
Mystics and Scholars
The Calgary Conference on Mysticism 1976
Christ and Satan
A Critical Edition
From Sermon to Commentary
Expounding the Bible in Talmudic Babylonia
Mishnah and the Social Formation of the Early Rabbinic Guild
A Socio-Rhetorical Approach
Ritual and Ethnic Identity
A Comparative Study of the Social Meaning of Liturgical Ritual in Synagogues