Browse Books in Native American Studies
Algonquin ethnobotany
An interpretation of aboriginal adaptation in Southwestern Quebec
Canoe construction in a Cree cultural tradition
Kyuquot way
A study of a West Coast (Nootkan) community
Eskimo economics
An aspect of culture change at Rankin Inlet
Chipewyan marriage
Hooper Bay kayak construction
Case and context in Inuktitut (Eskimo)
A reference grammar for the coast Tsimshian language
Context of the informant narrative performance
From sociolinguistics to ethnolinguistics at Fort Chipewyan, Alberta
Eight Inuit myths / Inuit unipkaaqtuat pingasuniarvinilit
Solstice-aligned boulder configurations in Saskatchewan
Inuit songs from Eskimo Point
Suffixes of the Eskimo dialects of Cumberland Peninsula and North Baffin Island
Inuit adoption
Aspects of Inuit value socialization
Contes indiens de la basse côte nord du Saint Laurent Rémi Savard.
Athapaskan women
Lives and legends
A Survey of the Derivational Postbases of Labrador Inuttut (Eskimo)
Neighbors and intruders
An ethnohistorical exploration of the Indians of Hudson's River
Practical dictionary of the Coast Tsimshian language
Contextual studies of material culture
Effects of acculturation on Eskimo music of Cumberland Peninsula
Swan people
A study of the Dunne-za prophet dance