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An Inside Look at External Affairs During the Trudeau Years

The Memoirs of Mark MacGuigan

by (author) Mark MacGuigan

edited by P. Whitney Lackenbauer

foreword by Paul C. Martin

University of Calgary Press
Initial publish date
Jul 2023
Political, General, History & Theory

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    Publish Date
    Jul 2023
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Between these covers, you will read about the life of an individual—Mark MacGuigan—who dedicated his life to bettering Canada. From his fascination with the law to his interest in politics and international affairs, Mark made a lasting impact on virtually every area to which he turned his efforts . . . from the forward by Paul Martin


Mark MacGuigan was appointed Canada’s Secretary of State for External Affairs in a tumultuous period of renewed East-West tensions, challenging Canadian-American relations, and regional conflict in the early 1980s.


In this perceptive mélange of autobiography and study of foreign policy under Pierre Elliott Trudeau, MacGuigan surveys a wide range of bilateral and multilateral issues, weaves together an intriguing cast of national and international characters, and offers important insights into the making of foreign policy from a ministerial perspective.


In chronicling the events in which he participated, MacGuigan describes his motivations, reactions, and decisions which illuminate Trudeau’s approach to foreign policy and governance. An Inside Look at External Affairs During the Trudeau Years reflects on the interplay between domestic and international agendas and individual personalities in caucus that ultimately shape foreign policy

About the authors

Hon. Justice Mark MacGuigan (1931-1998) was a professor of law at the University of Toronto, Osgoode Law School, and dean of the Faculty of Law at the University of Windsor prior to his career in federal politics. During the last Trudeau government in the 1980s, he served as Secretary of State for External Affairs, Minister of Justice, and Attorney General of Canada.

Mark MacGuigan's profile page


P. Whitney Lackenbauer is associate professor and chair of the Department of History at St. Jerome's University in the University of Waterloo, and a faculty associate with the LCMSDS.

Peter Kikkert recently completed his M.A. at the University of Waterloo and is a Ph.D. student in history at the University of Western Ontario.


P. Whitney Lackenbauer's profile page

Paul C. Martin's profile page