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August Witch

by (author) Chandra Mayor

Signature Editions
Initial publish date
Oct 2002

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Chandra Mayor's debut collection of poems takes the reader into realms of problematic desire, revised domesticity and psychoanalytic complexity through texts that span diverse poetic terrain, from the lyric to the narrative-based long poem. What links all the poems in this collection is the theme of boundaries between self and other, desire and body, "breath and reason". Mayor's poetic voice is at once confessional, playful and linguistically sophisticated. Here is a book that confirms the most exciting aspects of the poetic process. This is a stunning debut collection of poetry.

About the author

Chandra Mayor is a Winnipeg poet and editor. She has worked with dark leisure, Contemporary Verse 2, and Prairie Fire. Her work is included in the Cyclops Review. Her first collection of poetry, August Witch, was released in Fall 2002.

Chandra Mayor's profile page