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Common Clinical Presentations

by (author) Christopher Naugler

Brush Education
Initial publish date
Jun 2024
Clinical Medicine, Family & General Practice
Author lives in Alberta

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  • eBook

    Publish Date
    Jun 2024
    List Price

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Master clinical skills with key information on 169 common clinical presentations

This comprehensive guide provides clinicians, medical students, and other health care professionals with a structured approach to navigating 169 of the most common clinical presentations with confidence and efficiency. The presentations in this book are organized by key feature and alphabetized for quick and easy reference of need-to-know information, including:

  • Differential diagnosis
  • Emergency management
  • Relevant aspects of patient history
  • Key elements of physical exam
  • Lab and imaging investigations for general and specific diagnoses
  • Management of diagnosed entities and uncertain diagnoses

A section on patient encounter basics further supports readers’ clinical skills with no-nonsense advice on practical first steps, patient interview techniques, and strategies for providing culturally sensitive care.

About the author

Christopher Naugler, MD, FRCPC, is the zone clinical section chief of general pathology for Alberta Health Services in the Calgary area, where he provides leadership and direction to a team of laboratory physicians. He is also the director of the general pathology residency training program at the University of Calgary. Dr. Naugler has authored or co-authored more than 50 articles in peer-reviewed journals.

Christopher Naugler's profile page