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Education Law for Teachers and School Administrators

by (author) Jerome G. Delaney

Brush Education
Initial publish date
Jul 2022
Educational Law & Legislation, General

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    Publish Date
    Jul 2022
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Understand the most common legal issues that confront K–12 teachers and administrators in Canada

In the second edition of Education Law for Teachers and School Administrators, Jerome G. Delaney provides educators with a comprehensive overview of their legal rights and of the legal issues they may face in their day-to-day jobs. Delaney tackles thorny questions and offers practical answers that help practicing teachers identify classroom situations with potential legal ramifications and proactively manage them, protecting both themselves and their students.

The second edition is updated with chapters on copyright, teacher misconduct, and general education law concerns in Canada, and includes new discussion questions throughout the book.

Topics include:

  • The implications of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms for educators,
  • The role provincial education acts across Canada, and how they differ among the provinces,
  • How teacher collective agreements handle hours of instruction, extracurricular activities, teacher discipline, and grievance processes,
  • How to navigate issues of teacher liability and negligence in reasonable and respectful ways,
  • The impact of workplace safety legislation on schools.

About the author

Jerome G. Delaney, PhD, is an associate professor of educational administration in the Faculty of Education at Memorial University of Newfoundland, where he received the Dean’s Award for Excellence in Teaching in 2017. His primary research areas are education law, Education Policy, and effective teaching. Prior to becoming an academic, he was a teacher and principal in Newfoundland and Labrador’s K–12 public school system.

Jerome G. Delaney's profile page