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Flowers in the Wall

Truth and Reconciliation in Timor-Leste, Indonesia, and Melanesia

edited by David Webster

University of Calgary Press
Initial publish date
Jan 2018
India & South Asia, World
  • eBook

    Publish Date
    Jan 2018
    List Price

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Truth and reconciliation is complex, complicated, and ongoing. Although the operational phases of truth commissions have been well examined, the efforts to establish these commissions and the struggle to put their recommendations into effect are often overlooked. Flowers in the Wall explores the experience of truth and reconciliation in Timor-Leste, Indonesia, and the Solomon Islands. It examines the pre- and post-truth commission phases, providing a diversity of interconnected scholarship.

Well-researched and balanced, this book examines the effectiveness of the truth commission in transnational justice. It offers valuable lessons to Canadians and all others trying to attain truth and reconciliation.

About the author

David Webster teaches international and Asian history topics with a focus on the 20th century at Bishop’s University. He is the author of Fire and the Full Moon: Canada and Indonesia in a Decolonizing World. Previously he was collection editor of East Timor: Testimony (Between the Lines, 2004). His research focuses on trans-Pacific interactions between Canada and Asia, and on the diplomacy of independence movements in Asia.

David Webster's profile page