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Historical GIS Research in Canada

contributions by Jennifer Bonnell, Marcel Fortin, Colleen Beard, Stephen Bocking, Jim Clifford, Joanna Dean, Francois Dufaux, Patrick A. Dunae, Jason Gilliland, William M. Glen, Megan Harvey, Matthew G. Hatvany, Sally Hermansen, Andrew Hinson, Don Lafreniere, John S. Lutz, Joshua D. MacFadyen, Daniel Macfarlane, Jennifer Marvin, Cameron Metcalf, Byron Moldofsky, Sherry Olson, Jon Pasher, Daniel Rueck, R.W. Sandwell, Henry Yu & Barbara Znamirowski

University of Calgary Press
Initial publish date
Jan 2014
General, Geography, Environmental Science, Historical Geography
  • eBook

    Publish Date
    Jan 2014
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Fundamentally concerned with place, and our ability to understand human relationships with environment over time, Historical Geographic Information Systems (HGIS) as a tool and a subject has direct bearing for the study of contemporary environmental issues and realities. To date, HGIS projects in Canada are few and publications that discuss these projects directly even fewer. This book brings together case studies of HGIS projects in historical geography, social and cultural history, and environmental history from Canada's diverse regions. Projects include religion and ethnicity, migration, indigenous land practices, rebuilding a nineteenth-century neighborhood, and working with Google Earth.

With contributions by: Colleen Beard Stephen Bocking Jennifer Bonnell Jim Clifford Joanna Dean François Dufaux Patrick A. Dunae Marcel Fortin Jason Gilliland William M. Glen Megan Harvey Matthew G. Hatvany Sally Hermansen Andrew Hinson Don Lafreniere John S. Lutz Joshua D. MacFadyen Daniel Macfarlane Jennifer Marvin Cameron Metcalf Byron Moldofsky Sherry Olson Jon Pasher Daniel Rueck R. W. Sandwell Henry Yu Barbara Znamirowski

About the authors

Jennifer Bonnell is a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow in the Department of History at the University of Guelph.

Jennifer Bonnell's profile page

Marcel Fortin is the Map and GIS Librarian at the University of Toronto's Map and Data Library. He is also a sessional lecturer in both the Geography Department and the Faculty of Information at the University of Toronto.

Marcel Fortin's profile page

Colleen Beard's profile page

Stephen Bocking teaches in Environmental and Resource Studies program at Trent University. He has written numerous academic articles; his book, Ecologists and Environmental Politics: A History of Contemporary Ecology, was published by Yale University Press in 1997.

Stephen Bocking's profile page

Jim Clifford's profile page

Joanna Dean is associate professor of History at Carleton University, where she teaches animal history and environmental history.

Joanna Dean's profile page

Francois Dufaux's profile page

Patrick A. Dunae's profile page

Jason Gilliland's profile page

William M. Glen's profile page

Megan Harvey's profile page

Matthew G. Hatvany's profile page

Sally Hermansen's profile page

Andrew Hinson's profile page

Don Lafreniere's profile page

John S. Lutz's profile page

Joshua D. MacFadyen's profile page

Daniel Macfarlane is an Assistant Professor with the Institute of the Environment and Sustainability at Western Michigan University. His research examines Canada-US border waters and he is the author of Negotiating a River, Canada, the US and the Creation of the St. Lawrence Seaway.

Daniel Macfarlane's profile page

Jennifer Marvin's profile page

Cameron Metcalf's profile page

Byron Moldofsky's profile page

Sherry Olson is a professor emerita in the Department of Geography at McGill University.Patricia Thornton is a professor in the Department of Geography, Planning, and Environment at Concordia University.

Sherry Olson's profile page

Jon Pasher's profile page

Daniel Rueck's profile page

R.W. Sandwell is associate professor in the Department of Curriculum, Teaching and Learning at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the University of Toronto, and author of Contesting Rural Space: Land Policy and Practices of Resettlement on Saltspring Island, 1859–1891.

R.W. Sandwell's profile page

Henry Yu is a professor in the Department of History and the principal of St. John’s College at the University of British Columbia.

Henry Yu's profile page

Barbara Znamirowski's profile page