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Indigenous Peoples and Dementia

New Understandings of Memory Loss and Memory Care

edited by Wendy Hulko, Danielle Wilson & Jean Balestrery

UBC Press
Initial publish date
Jun 2019
Indigenous Studies, Alzheimer's & Dementia
About indigenous people or experiences
  • eBook

    Publish Date
    Jun 2019
    List Price

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Dementia is on the rise around the world, and health organizations in Canada, the United States, and New Zealand are responding to the urgent need – voiced by communities and practitioners – for guidance on how best to address memory loss in Indigenous communities. This innovative volume responds to the call by bringing together, for the first time, studies and Indigenous teaching stories that address three key areas of concern: prevalence, causes, and public discourse; Indigenous perspectives on care and prevention; and culturally safe application of research to Elder care. Collectively, the contributors demonstrate that care must be grounded in collaborative research informed by Indigenous knowledge and worldviews.

About the authors

Contributor Notes

Wendy Hulko is an associate professor and the Bachelor of Social Work program coordinator in the Faculty of Education and Social Work at Thompson Rivers University. Danielle Wilson is the regional director for the Owen Sound/Grey-Bruce region of the Southwest Ontario Aboriginal Health Access Centre. Jean E. Balestrery is a licensed independent practitioner and was formerly an assistant clinical professor in the Department of Sociology and Social Work at Northern Arizona University.


Contributors: Melissa Blind, Carrie Bourassa, Gwen Campbell-McArthur, Linda D. Carson, Cecilia DeRose, J. Neil Henderson, Kristen Jacklin, Jessica Kent, Mere Kēpa, Kama King, Star Mahara, Suzanne MacLeod, Estella Patrick Moller, Sophie “Eqeelana Tungwenuk” Nothstine, Eric Oleson, Jessica E. Pace, Karen Pitawanakwat, Barbara Purves, Kate Ross-Hopley, Jennifer Walker, Wayne Warry, and Jean William