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Inuit Education and Schools in the Eastern Arctic

by (author) Heather E. McGregor

UBC Press
Initial publish date
Jan 2011
History, Native American, Multicultural Education, Polar Regions
About indigenous people or experiences , About Northwest Territories , About Nunavut
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    Publish Date
    Jan 2011
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Since the mid-twentieth century, sustained contact between Inuit and newcomers has led to profound changes in education in the Eastern Arctic, including the experience of colonization and progress toward the re-establishment of traditional education in schools. Heather McGregor assesses developments in the history of education in four periods – the traditional, the colonial (1945-70), the territorial (1971-81), and the local (1982-99). She concludes that education is most successful when Inuit involvement and local control support a system reflecting Inuit culture and visions.

About the author

Contributor Notes

Heather E. McGregor is a researcher who currently works for the public service in Nunavut.

Editorial Reviews

I would recommend this book to a wide general audience because it offers a structured and well-researched account of the relationship between Inuit and the Canadian state.

Aboriginal Policy Studies, Vol 1, No 1