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by (author) Matthew Forsythe

Drawn & Quarterly
Initial publish date
Feb 2009

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Nominated for 2 Eisner Awards for best web comic, winner of an Expozine award, and hailed by and the Montreal Mirror, Matthew Forsythe's Ojingogo is highly anticipated. Exuding simplicity in design and narrative, Ojingogo is an illustrated, "Jim Woodring-esque" dreamscape of abstracts and events. The otherworldly pantomime about a girl, her squid, and the creatures and calamities they experience together, is an intrinsically expressive and deeply rewarding journey. Drawing from Forsythe's Korean influences, Ojingogo is accessible for all ages, tossing aside traditional narrative conventions in favor of creating its own world, language, and rules, in which anyone can find a home of their own.

Ojingogo was originally serialized as a Web comic in 2004. It was nominated for an Eisner Award in 2005 (Best Digital Comic) and featured in the "Year's Best Graphic Novels, Comics, and Manga." Ojingogo was nominated again for an Eisner Award (Best Digital Comic) and won an Expozine Award (Best English Comic) in 2006.

About the author


Matthew Forsythe crée des bandes dessinées, des albums illustrés et des modèles pour l'animation. Sa bande dessinée Ojingogo a été en lice pour le prix Eisner à deux reprises, et il était le graphiste en chef de l'émission télévisée Adventure Time. Aux Éditions Scholastic, il a illustré Je m'appelle Catherine d'Annika Dunklee. Pour faciliter ses recherches, Matthew a été de mauvaise humeur tout le long de la création de ce livre. Il habite à Montréal.


Matthew Forsythe makes comics and picture books and designs for animation. His comic Ojingogo was noMinated twice for an Eisner Award, and he was the lead designer on the TV show Adventure Time. For research purposes, he was in a bad mood the whole time he drew this book. Matthew lives in Montreal.


Matthew Forsythe's profile page