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Queering Social Work Education

edited by Susan Hillock & Nick J. Mulé

UBC Press
Initial publish date
Jan 2017
Social Work, Higher, Gender Studies
About LGBT2QS people or experiences
  • eBook

    Publish Date
    Jan 2017
    List Price

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The first book of its kind in North America, Queering Social Work Education combines LGBTQ history and personal narratives from a diverse range of queer social work educators and students with much-needed analyses and recommendations. This book will help readers develop awareness, dismantle prejudice, and contribute positively to the future of social work education, research, policy, and practice.

About the authors

Susan Hillock is an associate professor of social work and a faculty member in the Department of Social Work and the Department of Graduate Studies in Education at Trent University.

Susan Hillock's profile page

Nick J. Mulé is associate professor in the School of Social Work and the School of Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies at York University.

Nick J. Mulé's profile page