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The Fast-Changing Arctic

Rethinking Arctic Security for a Warmer World

contributions by Barry Scott Zellen, Lawson W. Bringham, Alun Anderson, Lassi Kalevi Heininen, Daniel Clausen, L.T.J.G. Michael Clausen, Ian G. Brosnan, Thomas M. Leschine, Edward L. Miles, Nong Hong, James Manicom, Maj Henrik Jedig Jorgensen, Rasmus Gjedsso Bertelsen, Rob Huebert, P. Whitney Lackenbauer, Kararzyna Zysk, Caitlyn Antrim & The Honourable Mead Treadwell

foreword by Mead Treadwell

afterword by Lawson Brigham

University of Calgary Press
Initial publish date
Jun 2013
Environmental Policy, Polar Regions, Security (National & International)
  • eBook

    Publish Date
    Jun 2013
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In this timely new book, international scholars and military professionals come together to explore the strategic consequences of the thawing of the Arctic. Their analyses of efforts by governments and defence, security, and coast guard organizations to address these challenges make timely and urgent reading.

Rather than a single national perspective, The Fast-Changing Arctic: Rethinking Arctic Security for a Warmer World, brings together circumpolar viewpoints from North America, Europe and Asia for an integrated discussion of strategic military, diplomatic, and security challenges in the high North. Thoughtful analyses are included of different regions, climate issues, institutions, and foreign and security policies.

This is an important book for students of international studies, political science, and northern studies.

With a Foreword by the Honorable Mead Treadwell and an Afterword by Lawson W. Brigham. With contributions by:

Alun Anderson Caitlyn Antrim Rasmus Gjedssø Bertelsen Lawson W. Brigham Ian G. Brosnan Daniel Clausen LtJG Michael Clausen Lassi Kalevi Heininen Nong Hong Rob Huebert Maj. Henrik Jedig Jørgensen P. Whitney Lackenbauer Thomas M. Leschine James Manicom Edward L. Miles Barry Scott Zellen Katarzyna Zysk

About the authors

Barry Scott Zellen is a specialist on Arctic security, sovereignty, and selfgovernance. He directs the Fast Changing Arctic project as a Senior Fellow at the Institute of the North and is a member of the board of directors of the Arctic Research Consortium of the United States.

Barry Scott Zellen's profile page

Lawson W. Bringham's profile page

Alun Anderson's profile page

Mead Treadwell's profile page

Lawson Brigham's profile page

Lassi Kalevi Heininen's profile page

Daniel Clausen's profile page

L.T.J.G. Michael Clausen's profile page

Ian G. Brosnan's profile page

Thomas M. Leschine's profile page

Edward L. Miles' profile page

Nong Hong's profile page

James Manicom is a Research Fellow at the Centre for International Governance Innovation. He is the author of Bridging Troubled Waters: China, Japan and Maritime Order in the East China Sea (Georgetown University Press).

James Manicom's profile page

Maj Henrik Jedig Jorgensen's profile page

Rasmus Gjedsso Bertelsen's profile page

Rob Huebert is an associate professor in the Department of Political Science at the University of Calgary and associate director of the Centre for Military and Strategic Studies. He was a senior research fellow of the Canadian International Council in 2008–9 and is a fellow with Canadian Defence and Foreign Affairs Institute. He publishes on the issues of Canadian Arctic security, maritime security, and Canadian defence and comments on Canadian security and Arctic issues in the national and international media.

Rob Huebert's profile page


P. Whitney Lackenbauer is associate professor and chair of the Department of History at St. Jerome's University in the University of Waterloo, and a faculty associate with the LCMSDS.

Peter Kikkert recently completed his M.A. at the University of Waterloo and is a Ph.D. student in history at the University of Western Ontario.


P. Whitney Lackenbauer's profile page

Kararzyna Zysk's profile page

Caitlyn Antrim's profile page

The Honourable Mead Treadwell's profile page