G. Bruce Doern
Books by G. Bruce Doern
A Lantern on the Bow
A History of the Science Council of Canada and its Contributions to the Science and Innovation Policy Debate
Keeping Canada Running
Infrastructure and the Future of Governance in a Pandemic World
Canadian Multimodal Transport Policy and Governance
Canadian Science, Technology, and Innovation Policy
The Innovation Economy and Society Nexus
Complexity in Fifty Years of Canadian Environmental Policy, Governance, and Democracy
How Ottawa Spends, 2014-2015
The Harper Government - Good to Go?
Rules and Unruliness
Canadian Regulatory Democracy, Governance, Capitalism, and Welfarism
How Ottawa Spends, 2013-2014
The Harper Government: Mid-Term Blues and Long-Term Plans
Canadian Public Budgeting in the Age of Crises
Shifting Budgetary Domains and Temporal Budgeting
How Ottawa Spends, 2012-2013
The Harper Majority, Budget Cuts, and the New Opposition
How Ottawa Spends, 2011–2012
Trimming Fat or Slicing Pork?
How Ottawa Spends, 2010-2011
Recession, Realignment, and the New Deficit Era
How Ottawa Spends, 2007-2008
The Harper Conservatives - Climate of Change
Innovation, Science, Environment 07/08
Canadian Policies and Performance, 2007-2008
Innovation, Science, Environment 06/07
Canadian Policies and Performance, 2006-2007
How Ottawa Spends, 2005-2006
Managing the Minority
How Ottawa Spends, 2004-2005
Mandate Change and Continuity in the Paul Martin Era
Public Budgeting in Canada
Politics, Economics and Management