Nora Hilb
Nora Hilb was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 1953. As a child, she loved drawing more than anything else, though she never imagined it would become her profession. Because Nora’s parents were both from Germany, she grew up speaking German, later learning Spanish and English. Young Nora would find inspiration for her pictures in her favorite books, such as Die Wurzelkinder (which is German for The Children of the Roots), several wonderfully illustrated fairy tales (which she read over and over again), and collections of poems and songs by Argentina’s best-known author, María Elena Walsh. Later, she fell in love with the mysteries of Enid Blyton, though she read them in German.After high school, Nora studied to be a kindergarten teacher. Her desire to create, however, remained strong, and she eventually found work drawing for a small company that produced animated films for children. She also met her future husband there. They fled Argentina in 1976 in the wake of