About Christian McPherson Christian McPherson is the author of six books, Cube Squared, My Life in Pictures, The Sun Has Forgotten Where I Live, The Cube People (shortlisted for the 2011 ReLit Awards), Poems that swim from my Brain like Rats leaving a sinking Ship, and Six Ways to Sunday (shortlisted for the 2008 ReLit Awards). He has a degree in philosophy from Carleton University and a computer programming diploma from Algonquin College. He is married to the beautiful Marty Carr. They have two kids, Molly and Henry. They all live together in Ottawa. Books by Christian McPherson Walking on the Beaches of Temporal Candy by (author) Christian McPherson Walking on the Beaches of Temporal Candy by (author) Christian McPherson Going Fly by (author) Christian McPherson Saving Her by (author) Christian McPherson