Athabasca University Press
Books from this publisher
Plastic Legacies
Pollution, Persistence, and Politics
Poems for a Small Park
Political Activist Ethnography
Studies in the Social Relations of Struggle
Political Economy of Workplace Injury in Canada
Principles of Blended Learning
Shared Metacognition and Communities of Inquiry
Provincial Solidarities
A History of the New Brunswick Federation of Labour
Psychiatry and the Legacies of Eugenics
Historical Studies of Alberta and Beyond
Public Deliberation on Climate Change
Lessons from Alberta Climate Dialogue
Racism in Southern Alberta and Anti-racist Activism for Change
Reading Vincent van Gogh
A Thematic Guide to the Letters
Lives of Aboriginal Women of the Canadian Northwest and Borderlands
Reel Time
Movie Exhibitors and Movie Audiences in Prairie Canada, 1896 to 1986
Regime of Obstruction
How Corporate Power Blocks Energy Democracy
Resisting the Dehumanization of Refugees
Rocks in the Water, Rocks in the Sun
A Memoir from the Heart of Haiti
Romancing the Revolution
The Myth of Soviet Democracy and the British Left
Roy & Me
This Is Not a Memoir
Scaling Up
The Convergence of Social Economy and Sustainability
Screening Nature and Nation
The Environmental Documentaries of the National Film Board, 1939-1974
Selves and Subjectivities
Reflections on Canadian Arts and Culture
Shape Your Eyes by Shutting Them
Sharing Breath
Embodied Learning and Decolonization
Small Cities, Big Issues
Reconceiving Community in a Neoliberal Era
Social Democracy After the Cold War
Sociocultural Systems
Principles of Structure and Change
Solidarités provinciales
Histoire de la Fédération des travailleurs et travailleuses du Nouveau-Brunswick
Spark of Light
Short Stories by Women Writers of Odisha
Speaking Power to Truth
Digital Discourse and the Public Intellectual
Strategic Nonviolent Power
The Science of Satyagraha
Teaching Crowds
Learning and Social Media