Refine your selections:
Refine your selectionsPrehistory of Saglek Bay, Labrador
Archaic and Palaeo-Eskimo Occupations
by (author) James A. Tuck
Salvage Contributions
Prairie Provinces
edited by Roscoe Wilmeth
Archaic Sequence from the Strait of Belle Isle, Labrador
by (author) Robert McGhee & James A. Tuck
Koniag-Pacific Eskimo Bibliography
by (author) Donald Woodforde Clark
Archaeological Salvage Projects, 1974
by (author) Roscoe Wilmeth
Introduction to the Ecology of Early Historic Communal Bison Hunting Among the Northern Plains Indians
by (author) George W. Arthur
Thule Eskimo Prehistory of Cumberland Sound, Baffin Island, Canada
by (author) Peter Schledermann
A Multi-Component Habitation Site in Bonavista Bay
by (author) Paul Carignan
Boys Site and the Early Ontario Iroquois Tradition
by (author) C.S. Reid
Paleoecological Model for Northwest Coast Prehistory
by (author) Knut R. Fladmark
Origins and Development of Early Northwest Coast Culture to about 3000 B.C.
by (author) Charles E. Borden
Cactus Flower Site in Southeastern Alberta
1972-1974 Excavations
by (author) John H. Brumley
Grant Lake Site, Keewatin District, Northwest Territories
by (author) James Vallière Wright
Algonkians of Lake Nipigon
An Archaeological Survey
by (author) Kenneth C.A. Dawson
Quelques techniques de décoration de la céramique impressionnée
Correspondance des termes français et anglais
by (author) Roger J.M. Marois
Indices de manifestations culturelles de l'archaique
La région de Trois-Rivières
by (author) Roger J.M. Marois & René Ribes
L'archéologie des provinces de Québec et d'Ontario
by (author) Roger J.M. Marois
Un ferblantier de campagne (1875-1950)
by (author) Jean-Pierre Hardy
Forgeron de campagne
Un inventaire d'outils
by (author) Andre [et al ]. Berube
Ville de Québec, 1800-1850
Un inventaire de cartes et plans
by (author) Edward H. [et al ]. Dahl
Image of the Indian
by (author) Ronald Haycock
The Moyer Site
A Pre-Historic Village in Waterloo County
by (author) Norman E. Wagner, Lawrence E. Toombs & Eduard R. Riegert
The Enterprising Admiral
by (author) J. Gwyn
Supreme Fictions
by (author) B. John
Old Age Pensions and Policy-Making in Canada
by (author) K. Bryden
Native Peoples of Atlantic Canada
A History of Indian-European Relations
by (author) H.F. McGee
The Crisis of Quebec, 1914-1918
by (author) Elizabeth Armstrong
Capital Formation in Canada, 1896-1930
by (author) Kenneth Buckley
Beyond the Atlantic Roar
A Study of the Nova Scotia Scots
by (author) D. Campbell
Mackenzie Pipeline
by (author) Peter Pearse
Continental Community?
Independence and Integration in North America
edited by Andrew Axline
Voices in Exhile
The Decembrist Memoirs
by (author) Glynn Barratt