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Better That Way

by (author) Rita Bouvier

illustrated by Sherry Farrell Racette

translated by Margaret Hodgson

Gabriel Dumont Institute
Initial publish date
Jan 2007
Native Canadian

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Better That Way captures the essence of growing up. This wonderful poem is beautifully illustrated by Sherry Farrell Racette and translated in Île-à-la Crosse or Northern Michif by Margaret Hodgson. A narration CD in English and Michif is included.

About the authors

Rita Bouvier is an educator and a writer. She has published two collections of poetry with Thistledown Press, Blueberry Clouds (1999) and papîyâhtak (2004), and has been nominated for several Saskatchewan Book Awards. Bouvier's poetry has been translated into Spanish and German, and her work has appeared in literary anthologies and musical and television productions. In 2008 the Gabriel Dumont Institute published a collaborative children's book with artists Sherry Farrell-Racette and Margaret Gardiner and featuring the title poem from papîyâhtak titled Better That Way. Bouvier lives in Saskatoon.

Rita Bouvier's profile page

Sherry Farrell Racette is an artist and educator. She has been painting, drawing and making things since she was little. Sherry received a Bachelor of Fine Arts and a Certificate in Secondary Education from the University of Maitoba and later, a Masters in Education from the University of Regina.A member of the Timiskaming Band of Algonquins in Quebec, Sherry was born in Manitoba and has been involved in Indian and Metis education for many years. She is currently an assistant professor with the Faculty of Education, University of Regina.Sherry wrote and illustrated The Flower Beadwork People for the Gabriel Dumont Institute and recently illustrated Maria Campbell’s Stories of the Road Allowance People (Theytus Press).

Sherry Farrell Racette's profile page

Margaret Hodgson's profile page


  • Short-listed, Saskatchewan Book Awards - Saskatoon Book Award

Librarian Reviews

Better That Way

Written in both English and Michif, the included CD is narrated in both languages as well. As the reader turns each page, Bouvier directs us to do something that will bring us closer to nature, our families and ourselves in order to live each moment to the fullest. She wrote these life lessons for her son to teach him “sacred act[s] of a good life”, and to “pass… on what we know to our children”. She wants children (and their parents) to know that through these simple and joyful acts we are able to show love and respect for each other and for Mother Earth.

Bouvier is a Métis educator and author and Farrell Racette is an educator, author and illustrator, who was instrumental in development of the Gabriel Dumont Institute. Her recent book is Fiddle Dancer. Hodgson, is a Métis educator who has taught the Cree language at the university level.

Source: The Association of Book Publishers of BC. Canadian Aboriginal Books for Schools. 2009-2010.