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Creative Development

Transforming Education through Design Thinking, Innovation, and Invention

by (author) Robert Kelly

Brush Education
Initial publish date
Jun 2016
Arts in Education, General, General, Aims & Objectives

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    Publish Date
    Jun 2016
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Spark continual creative growth for both learners and educators.


Topics include:

  • How to create an educational culture conducive to creative development.
  • Effective instructional design and assessment as creativity.
  • Bridging the gap between design thinking and design doing.
  • Teacher education and training for creative classrooms.
  • Key vocabulary and theory in the field of creativity.


Creativity is a key ingredient for success in the knowledge economy of the 21st century, where skills such as collaboration, communication, and critical thinking are central. Most educators agree that encouraging creativity must become a central goal in the classroom, but they face an ongoing struggle to build and maintain an environment that promotes their students’ creative development.

In Creative Development: Transforming Education through Design Thinking, Innovation, and Invention, Robert Kelly equips educators with the theory, strategies, and tactics that allow creativity to flourish. Creative Development features voices from the field to showcase practical, real-life examples of successfully fostering creative development in education.

About the author

Educator, author, artist, and keynote speaker Robert Kelly is a recognized leader in the fields of Collaborative Creativity, Creative Development, design thinking for innovation, and transformational educational practice. He is academic coordinator of the Collaborative Creativity and Design Thinking for Innovation graduate program in the Werklund School of Education, and an associate professor at the University of Calgary. Robert has been an invited visiting scholar and keynote speaker at several postsecondary institutions for his work in the field of collaborative creativity.

Robert Kelly's profile page