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by (author) Judith Alguire

Canadian Scholars' Press Inc.
Initial publish date
Oct 1995
Girls & Women

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Women hockey players finally go pro in a league of our own! Iced is a fast-paced action romance with all the highs and lows of sports for profit. Alison Guthrie, former hockey great, forty-plus lesbian and coach of the Toronto Teddies, shepherds her team through the league's first regular season, a tesne on-ice rivalry with the Hamilton Hurricanes, and a sparky off-ice flirtation with their gorgeous coach Val Warnica. A must-read for hockey fans, girl-jocks and anyone with an interest in the power of women's bodies at their best.

About the author

Judith Alguire's previous novels include Pleasantly Dead, The Pumpkin Murders, and A Most Unpleasant Wedding, the first three books of the Rudley Mystery series, as well as All Out and Iced, both of which explored the complex relationships of sportswomen on and off the playing field. Her short stories, articles, and essays have appeared in such publications as The Malahat Review and Harrowsmith, and she is a past member of the editorial board of the Kingston Whig-Standard. A graduate of Queen’s University, she has recently retired from nursing.

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