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Rachel Martinez

Depuis une vingtaine d’années, Rachel Martinez a publié plus de quatre-vingts traductions dans des domaines variés pour des éditeurs francophones réputés : roman, arts visuels, récit, biographie, essai et littérature jeunesse. Elle a fait partie du conseil consultatif du Centre international de traduction littéraire de Banff de 2017 jusqu’à sa dissolution en 2019, et a siégé plusieurs années au conseil d’administration de l’Association des traducteurs et traductrices littéraires du Canada. Une mention sur la Liste d’honneur 2014 de l’International Board on Books for Young People (IBBY) et le Prix des libraires du Québec 2017 (catégorie 12-17 ans, hors Québec) figurent parmi les marques de reconnaissance qu’elle a reçues. Elle a remporté en 2005 le prix du Gouverneur général du Canada en traduction française pour Glenn Gould, une vie de Kevin Bazzana et a été finaliste en 2013 et 2015.


Books by Rachel Martinez

Une maison solide

by (author) Katrina Chen & Elaine Su
illustrated by Delphie Côté-Lacroix
translated by Rachel Martinez

La poche secrète

by (author) Peggy Janicki
illustrated by Carrielynn Victor
translated by Rachel Martinez

Laisse un bel héritage

by (author) Leona Prince & Gabrielle Prince
illustrated by Carla Joseph
translated by Rachel Martinez

Les planchistes aux pieds nus

by (author) Rina Singh
illustrated by Sophie Casson
translated by Rachel Martinez

It’s a They! / Bienvenue à notre adelphe!

by (author) Lindsay Herriot
translated by Rachel Martinez

L’hôpital hanté

by (author) Marty Chan
translated by Rachel Martinez

Camp Sauvage

by (author) Pam Withers
translated by Rachel Martinez

De l’autre côté du miroir

by (author) K.L. Denman
translated by Rachel Martinez

Il était une fois un oiseau

by (author) Rina Singh
illustrated by Nathalie Dion
translated by Rachel Martinez


by (author) Eric Walters
translated by Rachel Martinez

Les hauts et les bas de Fish

by (author) Joanne Levy
translated by Rachel Martinez

Lucy joue au baseball

by (author) Lisa Bowes
illustrated by James Hearne
translated by Rachel Martinez

L’autobus infernal

by (author) Gail Anderson-Dargatz
translated by Rachel Martinez


by (author) Monique Gray Smith
illustrated by Gabrielle Grimard
translated by Rachel Martinez

Vive le poulet!

by (author) Mahtab Narsimhan
translated by Rachel Martinez


by (author) Sigmund Brouwer
translated by Rachel Martinez

Lucy joue au soccer

by (author) Lisa Bowes
illustrated by James Hearne
translated by Rachel Martinez

Charlie la chauve-souris et l’orignal mal pris

by (author) Grant Lawrence
illustrated by Noémie Gionet Landry
translated by Rachel Martinez

Trop tôt pour se lever!

by (author) Lawrence Schimel
illustrated by Elīna Brasliņa
translated by Rachel Martinez

Trop tard pour jouer!

by (author) Lawrence Schimel
illustrated by Elīna Brasliņa
translated by Rachel Martinez

Tu es là pour moi

by (author) Monique Gray Smith
illustrated by Danielle Daniel
translated by Rachel Martinez

Tu es là pour moi

by (author) Monique Gray Smith
illustrated by Danielle Daniel
translated by Rachel Martinez
read by Mireille Messier

Le bateau magique

by (author) Kit Pearson & Katherine Farris
illustrated by Gabrielle Grimard
translated by Rachel Martinez
read by Mireille Messier

Nye de l’île de Sable

by (author) Bree Galbraith
illustrated by Marion Arbona
translated by Rachel Martinez

J'ai le cœur rempli de bonheur

by (author) Monique Gray Smith
illustrated by Julie Flett
translated by Rachel Martinez
read by Mireille Messier

Le canot rouge

by (author) Leslie A. Davidson
illustrated by Laura Bifano
translated by Rachel Martinez
read by Mireille Messier

Nous sommes gentils

by (author) Monique Gray Smith
illustrated by Nicole Neidhardt
translated by Rachel Martinez
read by Mireille Messier

Nous sommes gentils

by (author) Monique Gray Smith
illustrated by Nicole Neidhardt
translated by Rachel Martinez

L’Homme à la barbe hirsute

by (author) Elizabeth Withey
illustrated by Lynn Scurfield
translated by Rachel Martinez

Lent Roland

by (author) Deborah Kerbel
illustrated by Marianne Ferrer
translated by Rachel Martinez

J'ai le cœur rempli de bonheur

by (author) Monique Gray Smith
illustrated by Julie Flett
translated by Rachel Martinez

Le soleil est une pêche

by (author) Sara Cassidy
illustrated by Josée Bisaillon
translated by Rachel Martinez

La lune est un étang d’argent

by (author) Sara Cassidy
illustrated by Josée Bisaillon
translated by Rachel Martinez

Tout petit toi

by (author) Richard Van Camp
illustrated by Julie Flett
translated by Rachel Martinez

Le canot rouge

by (author) Leslie A. Davidson
illustrated by Laura Bifano
translated by Rachel Martinez

J’ai le cœur rempli de bonheur / sâ kask inêw nitêh miy wêyi htamowin ohci

by (author) Monique Gray Smith
illustrated by Julie Flett
translated by Rachel Martinez, Mary Cardinal Collins & Cree Literacy Network

Lucy joue au basketball

by (author) Lisa Bowes
illustrated by James Hearne
translated by Rachel Martinez

Le bateau magique

by (author) Kit Pearson & Katherine Farris
illustrated by Gabrielle Grimard
translated by Rachel Martinez

Une idée pour Papi

by (author) Heather Smith
illustrated by Brooke Kerrigan
translated by Rachel Martinez

Lucy joue au hockey

by (author) Lisa Bowes
illustrated by James Hearne
translated by Rachel Martinez