Canadian Museum of History
Books from this publisher
Copper and Caribou Inuit skin clothing production
Country post
Rural postal service in Canada, 1880 to 1945
Courrier est arrivé
La poste rurale au Canada de 1880 à 1945
Cow Point
An Archaic Cemetery in New Brunswick
Crafting new traditions
Canadian innovators and influences
Crane Site and the Palaeoeskimo Period in the Western Canadian Arctic
Cree narrative
Expressing the personal meanings of events
Crowsnest Pass Archaeological Project
1973 Salvage Excavations and Survey Paper No. 2: Preliminary Report
Cultural Responses to Altithermal (Atlantic) Climate Along the Eastern Margins of the North American Grasslands: 5500 to 3000 B.C.
Cultural retention & demographic change
Studies of the Hebridean Scots in the eastern townships of Quebec
Culture History of Kirkland Lake District, Northeastern Ontario
Indigenous perspectives in post-colonial societies: proceedings
Dakah De’nin’s Village and the Dixthada Site
A Contribution to Northern Athapaskan Prehistory
Danish settlements on the Canadian prairies
Folk traditions, immigrant experiences, and local history
A Thule Culture Site on Bathurst Island, Northwest Territories, Canada
Dene spruce root basketry / Dene ts'ukegháí tene rahesi
Revival of a tradition
Detailed inventory of the Barbeau Northwest Coast Files
Development and Distribution of Discontinuous Morphological Variation of the Human Infracranial Skeleton
Development of Caribou Eskimo Culture
Diachronic Study of Dental Palaeopathology and Attritional Status of Prehistoric Ontario Pre-Iroquois and Iroquois Populations
Diamond Jenness Collections from Bering Strait
Dorset Occupations in the Vicinity of Port Refuge, High Arctic Canada
Dynamics of outport furniture design
Adaptation and culture
Early Kachemak Phase on Kodiak Island at Old Kiavak
Early Paleo-Indian Site Near Parkhill, Ontario
Edward Sapir's correspondence
An alphabetical and chronological inventory, 1910-1925
Effects of acculturation on Eskimo music of Cumberland Peninsula
Eight Inuit myths / Inuit unipkaaqtuat pingasuniarvinilit
Eighteenth-Century Western Cree and Their Neighbours
Enduring hardship
The Chinese laundry in Canada
Comment se pensent le Nous et le Moi dans l'espace mythique des nomades septentrionaux sekani
Eskimo economics
An aspect of culture change at Rankin Inlet